Our conscious scale is the core of who we are. Four core pillar each including important issues we believe helps encompass a conscious closet. Don’t let the word ‘closet’ scare you, our conscious scale doesn’t just focus on what your clothes are made of. There is much more to conscious living than buying organic cotton or recycled plastics.

The conscious scale keeps us in check to make sure we are constantly working to provide a space for all people to shop guilt free and support slow fashion. You don’t only have to be a size zero with an unlimited budget to shop sustainable and responsible brands that are good for our planet and have a lower climate impact (if you are a size zero and have an unlimited budget no shade, we just all don’t live that same lifestyle).

*Something to note: not every brand will come in at 100% of each item on the conscious scale. Each pillar focuses on different attributes to ensure a well rounded conscious brand. We all aren’t perfect and we recognize that. Conscious living is about lowering your climate impact and doing what you can for the planet, no matter how big or small. (If we do get something wrong, don’t be afraid to call us on our bullsh*t. We all need checks and balances.)

  • People Matter

    People have always and will always matter to us; garment workers are the reason we are able to do what we love. We are focused on making sure garment workers are supported by the companies they are employed by. This means good working conditions, fair wages for men, women and non-binary alike, work place inclusion and so much more.

  • What Sh*ts Made Of

    It may seem like an obvious pillar but what our clothes are made of can sometimes make or break what we deem to be ‘conscious’. By focusing on more sustainable and conscious fabrics such as recycled synthetics, organic cotton or textiles made from recycled plastics we can provide a more conscious product to you. But we don’t stop there. We are also focused on the construction of garments. We want the garments you purchase to last in your closet long enough for them to be called ‘vintage’.

  • Conscious Impact

    Conscious impact includes efforts being made to minimize environmental impact and increase awareness surrounding climate change issues. Yes, we believe in climate change and we want to do something about it. We care about the place we call home and want to everything we can to protect it whether this includes using non-toxic fabric dyes, compostable product packages or reducing waste, every step forward counts. However, conscious impact doesn’t stop at climate issues, it also includes advocating for social issues alike. We want to be and want the brands we work with to be allies and activist and provide support and education surrounding social issues.

  • Inclusivity > Exclusivity

    It’s 2021, we want respect for diversity on all levels. We want brands who support people of all body types, races, genders, etc. But we don’t want it to stop there. It’s not just what is on the ‘gram that matters. Work place diversity counts just as much as diversity on social media.
